Film discussion
This is your page, where you can have your say on what you thought of our last showing. Just email your comments here please.
Your comments:
This is a delightful film about a remote school in Bhutan. It takes me right back 25 years ago when I trekked in Nepal and saw several schools like this all several day's walk away from anything we would call a road. We took some old tennis balls and biros to hand out, which while sad that they took such joy in trifles, was a token we made up later as some of the profit made from my books on the village found a good home with a similarly remote school. This is run by a celebrated retired British Ghurkha officer who lives in Nepal called Col John Cross DSO. Now aged 99 he is fluent in 10 Asian languages and is author of many books on jungle warfare. An interview with him can be found here.
(From Dave P)
And our very own Tacchi
For those who have doubted that Kathleen Tacchi-Morris (who lived at Long's House, top of White Street) ever appeared in films, here is a clip from Men are not Gods made in 1936 by Alexander Korda, along with Gertrude Lawrence, Miriam Hopkins, Rex Harrison, Val Gielgud etc. The DVD is available to view from Dave Patten tel 490782. (The Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre based at Heathfield Community School, Taunton was founded on her bequest).